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Markets is a framework for real time trading and settlement of financial instruments. Extended settlement periods introduce complexity, risk and cost as firms have to account for unsettled trades and must devote capital to the possibility of settlement failure. Markets addresses these issues by shortening the settlement period to a matter of seconds.


Our solution is designed to integrate into your current implementation to enable a swift switch to a distributed ledger settlement service. Using our DLT contract technology we can settle trades in near real-time

How it works

's solution is built around its cloud component architecture


OpenCSD provides for actual legal ownership records to be verified and utilised in real time in the Markets trading environment

Power of Attorney

Using 's power of attorney framework, trading venues can be given the authority to verify participants' assertions of ownership before placing inventory in the order book


Encumbering and locking inventory at the CSD can provide assured settlement and a controlled approach to multi-venue markets


's OpenCSD can be used either as the ledger of record or can act as an intermediate ledger with settlement finality taking place on a remote register.

Keen to know more?

Speak to us and see how we can help transform and create your solution