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The API is organised around REST and meets the OpenAPI Specification standard. Our API has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts form-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes and authentication.

<?php echo APP_TITLE; ?> API

Getting Setup

Connecting to APIs are easy using REST endpoints, first you get your API key and then make a request for a token. The token can be used for making all subsequent requests. Follow steps below to get started

  • Get your API Key

Your API key will be used to authenticate and retrieve a token for requests.

Finding your API key is easy. Login to your demo system navigate to My Account and tap the API Key tab. From here you will be able to copy your API key.

Find API Key on OpenCSD
  • Get a Token

Now you have you API key we can make a request for an access bearer token for your user.

You can send a POST request to our get token end point. Build the request the "apikey" as the key and your API key as the value in a JSON payload. Now POST the request - See the example to the right.

    curl -X POST ""
    -H "Accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
    -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8"
    -d "{ \"apiKey\": \"string\"}"
  • Make a request

Now we have a token we can make our first request - lets retrieve our user details.

You can send your access token in authentication header as a bearer token. You can now call the 'get me' end point to return your details. See the the example to the right.

    curl -X GET ""
    -H "Accept: */*"

Try it Now

We offer an easy to use API explorer to allow you to execute API requests and get example payloads to use in your own applications. You can connect directly to your demo system to try the APIs today.

  • Connected to your Demo

    You can use the API in demo mode using your Demo system, without affecting your live data or banking networks.

  • Designed to OpenAPI Specification

    Designed in OpenAPI 3 Specification (formerly Swagger Specification), an API description format for REST APIs.

  • Fully Documented and Ready to Use

    Our API provides example requests and responses, fully documented and ready to use in our Explorer.